Publications - Articles - Conference Contributions
ORCID: 0000-0002-9964-648X
To share knowledge with healthcare professionals and to impact professional practice a diverse range of forums have been utilised to disseminate research and scholarly activity through publications such as articles, production of a doctoral thesis, organising and presenting at conferences, writing book chapters, skills training, guest speaker events, poster presentations, and delivering workshops.
Park, V. (2022) 'Moving interprofessional education to a virtual platform' British Journal of Nursing, 31 (5) p.264
Power, A., Park, V., Owens, M, and Sy, M. (2022) ‘Academics' experiences of online interprofessional education in response to COVID-19'. British Journal of Midwifery, 30 (4), pp.222-228
Sy, M., Park, V., Nagraj, S., Power, A., and Herath, C. (2022) ‘Emergency remote teaching for interprofessional education during COVID-19: student experiences’ British Journal of Midwifery, 30 (1) pp.47-55.
Wetzlmair, L., Kitema, G.F., O’Carroll, V., El-Awaisi, A., Power, A., Owens, M., Park, V., Mairi McKinley, M. and Anderson, E.S. (2021) ‘The impact of Covid-19 on the delivery process of Interprofessional Education: it’s not all bad news’ British Journal of Midwifery, 29 (12) pp.699-705.
Power, A., Sy, M., Hutchings, M., Coleman, T., El-Awaisi, A., Kitema, G., Gallagher, J., Herath, C., McLarnon, N., Nagraj, S., Nazar, H., O'Carroll, V., Owens, M., Park, V., Pope, E., Wetzlmair, L-C., Anderson, E., & Greaves, J. (2021). ‘Learning in Lockdown’: exploring the experiences of the impact of COVID-19 on Interprofessional Education from academics’, students’ and service users’ perspectives. British Journal of Midwifery, 29 (11), pp.648-652.
Park, V. (2020) ‘COVID 19: What to expect if you are deployed to a critical care setting’ Nursing Standard Available at:
Park, V. (2015). ‘Improving the lives of many’. Nursing Standard, 29 (36), pp.72-73.
Park, V. (2019) ‘Learning in Critical Care: A Focused Ethnography of Interprofessional Learning Culture’ PhD Thesis:
Park, V. (“Chapter in press”) The Critical Care Unit cited in Peate, I. and Hill, B. eds. (manuscript submitted for publication) Fundamentals of Critical Care for Nursing and Healthcare Students Wiley Publishers
Park, V. (“Chapter in press”) Organisational Influences cited in Peate, I. and Hill, B. eds. (manuscript submitted for publication) Fundamentals of Critical Care for Nursing and Healthcare Students Wiley Publishers
Park, V. and Holland, R. (2022) (“Manuscript under review”) ‘Substituting high fidelity simulation with an online ward during COVID emergency remote teaching’ British Journal of Nursing
Grimshaw, L., Meredith, C., Mulholland, K., Heslop, K., Park, V., Allan, J., Duncan, J. et al. (2021) The power of peer support during a pandemic: Working parents and grandparents in academia. Motherhood and Work Conference (virtual), Maynooth University, Ireland
Park, V. (2021) NU Talks! Out of Africa: Celebrating nursing through international volunteerism. Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V. (2021) NU Talks! ‘Asking the stupid questions’: Exploring ways to learn from others in clinical practice. Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V. (2021) Research methodology: Doing ethnography - the journey from research design to data analysis. Northumbria University Research Conversations, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V (2020) Interprofessional Research at Northumbria University, Hosted Academics from Gumi University in Korea in affiliation with CAIPE: Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V. (2019) Interprofessional Learning in Adult Critical Care. BACCN National Conference 2019, Scotland, UK.
Little, H., McCabe, J., O’Neil, A. and Park, V. (2015) Volunteering in Africa: pre and post registration experiences Northumbria University Healthcare Forum
Park, V. and Thompson, J. (2011) The Graduate Tutor Role Northumbria University Nursing and Midwifery Communication Meeting
Monk, D. and Park, V. (2020) Assessing patients using the ABCDE approach [Live Webinar 1] Supporting & upskilling of clinical front-line nursing & clinical staff to recognise, assess & manage the acute deteriorating patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education England.
Conner, A. and Park, V. (2020) Assessing patients using the ABCDE approach [Live Webinar 2] Supporting & upskilling of clinical front-line nursing & clinical staff to recognise, assess & manage the acute deteriorating patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education England.
Conner, A. and Park, V. (2020) Assessing patients using the ABCDE approach [Live Webinar 3] Supporting & upskilling of clinical front-line nursing & clinical staff to recognise, assess & manage the acute deteriorating patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education England.
Monk, D. and Park, V. (2020) Assessing patients using the ABCDE approach [Live Webinar 4] Supporting & upskilling of clinical front-line nursing & clinical staff to recognise, assess & manage the acute deteriorating patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education England.
Monk, D. and Park, V. (2020) Assessing patients using the ABCDE approach [Live Webinar 5] Supporting & upskilling of clinical front-line nursing & clinical staff to recognise, assess & manage the acute deteriorating patient during the COVID-19 pandemic. Health Education England.
St George’s Medical School Training Facilitator – 2013, 2014, 2015,
Simulation Education Training: Thai Health Professional Academics, 2014, 2015
Medical Student Interprofessional Simulation Facilitator – 2011, 2012, 2020
Health Alive: 2011, 2015.
Park, V. (2016) cited in Matthews, L. and Ashby, M (eds.) (2016) ‘Among Woods and Water: An Anthology of Poetry from Northumberland Inspired by the Northern Poetry Library’, UK: Field Print. Contributory Work.
Park, V. (2022) 'Trends in Facilitating IPECP competencies inside and outside of the classroom' HPEd 322: Virtual Colloquium 2022, Interprofessional Education & Collaboration: Bridging Teaching, Practice, and Research, University of the Philippines Manila, Philippines.
Park, L. and Park, V. (2021) Interprofessional Education Northumbria University 2021 Annual Social Work Conference, Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V. (2021) Implementing IPE into Health Professional Curricula. Staffordshire University, UK.
Park, V. (2019) Interprofessional Learning in Adult Critical Care. CAIPE Research Symposium 2019, London, UK.
Park, V. & Whybrow, P. (2015) Dissemination of Qualitative Research. Institute of Health & Society Post Graduate Conference, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V. (2015) Healthcare Poetry Reading: Medicine in Literature and the Art at Newcastle (MILAN) English Department, Newcastle University, UK
Park, V. & Bousfield, D. (2016) Creative Writing for Critical Care Patients and Staff. Life After Survival: Critical Care Rehabilitation BACCN Northern Region Event, Sunderland, UK.
Park, V. (2016) Getting to the heART of Critical Care Nursing: The use of creative writing to reflectively explore critical care experiences. BACCN National Conference, Glasgow, UK.
Park, V., & Ritzema, J. (2015) Research: How does it affect practice? BACCN Northern Regional Study Event, Durham, UK.
Park, V. (2014) Ethnography: The Pick of the Crop. Qualitative Researchers Forum, Teesside, UK.
Park, V. (2016) Interprofessional learning in adult critical care: early findings of a focused ethnography study, North of England Critical Care Annual Conference 2016, Durham, UK.
Park, V. (2016) Interprofessional Learning in Adult Critical Care: Early findings of a focused ethnographic study, 31st BACCN Annual Conference 2016, Scotland, UK.
Park, V. (2016) Creative Writing for Critical Care Patients and Staff: An evaluation of a BACCN Regional Workshop. 31st BACCN Annual Conference 2016, Scotland, UK.
Park, V. (2016) SIM:ULATE: Simulation in the International Masters: Underpinning Learning, Assessment and Technology Enhancements, NE Simulation Conference, Newton Aycliffe, UK.
Park, V. (2015) Inter-professional learning in adult critical care. Health Education North East Quality Conference: Working and learning together, Durham, UK
Park, V. (2015) An Ethnographic Study of the Inter-Professional Learning Culture of NHS staff within the Adult Critical Care Clinical Setting. Second Annual PSP PhD Research Conference: A Conference for Research Students in Psychology, Sociology and Politics. For PhD students, by PhD Students. Sheffield, UK
Park, V. (2015) Inter-professional learning in adult critical care. Making a difference through clinical research: opportunities for nurses, midwives, and allied health professionals. NIHR North East Regional Meeting, Newcastle, UK.
Park, V (2014) Inter-Professional Learning in Adult Critical Care. NoECCN Annual Conference 2014, Durham, UK.

IPR.Global have a series of infographics called IPR.Global PEARLS. These infographics are produced based on pedagogic, practice and policy implications derived from published papers. Their goal is to disseminate key components of IPECP scholarly knowledge to the global community. A paper produced by CAIPE Research Working Group was converted into a PEARL.